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We have huge ambitions for the future of music in Bristol and believe that our proposals to establish a Bristol Music Fund have the power to transform Bristol Music for generations. Come and hear our proposals. 6th Nov at Bristol Beacon.
With special guest Tom Kiehl (UK Music)
Bristol Nights have huge ambitions for the future of music in Bristol and believe that our proposals to establish a Bristol Music Fund have the power to transform Bristol Music for generations.
Over the past 18 months Bristol Nights have been in conversation with the Music Industry, to imagine a better future for Bristol's internationally renowned music scene and collaborate on creating a self-sustaining funding model to invest in music in the city.
Since releasing a paper on our discussions and proposal last year, Arts Council England have supported Bristol Nights in exploring this further.
For the past six months, a working group of venues and promoters have been holding regular discussions to unpick the options on creating a Bristol Music Fund. We also opened the discussion with Bristol's ticket-buying audience on their views for investing in Bristol music.
Expert consultants PRD have helped with this highly collaborative process, to understand the economic position of music events in the city, and worked alongside anchor organisations like Arts Council England, Bristol City Council, West of England Combined Authority Music Venues Trust, Night Time Industries Association and Musicians Union.
After months of talking, listening, and collaborating with the sector - we are now in a position to share our proposals.
Please join us on Wednesday 6th November at Bristol Beacon, Weston Stage from 5:30pm.
Come and learn about the journey we have been on, our proposals for the Bristol Music Fund, and the next steps to help us get there. Together, we can unlock investment back into the music community we all love so much
If you work in the music industry in Bristol, be that a Venue, Promoter, Artist, Festival, management, or adjacent sector - this industry event is for you.
This study has been supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
With special guest Tom Kiehl- CEO UK Music
Sounds provided by DJ Jazpa One
Book a ticket to the launch event here